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COGNO: MRFF grant success - the LUMOS2 study

Dear COGNO member

Please join me in congratulating lead investigator Professor Hui Gan and the co-investigator team for their recent grant success in being awarded $1.98 million for the LUMOS2 (Low and Anaplastic Grade Glioma Umbrella Study of Molecular Guided TherapieS) study, announced this week under the MRFF 2021 Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need (RCRDUN) grant opportunity.

LUMOS2 is an umbrella study incorporating molecular screening and novel interventional therapies for people with recurrent lower grade glioma, building further on the successfully completed pilot LUMOS1 study across multiple Australian sites.

Congratulations to Hui and colleagues on this wonderful achievement! We collectively look forward to the positive impact that the LUMOS2 study will have for people with recurrent lower grade glioma.

Associate Professor Eng-Siew Koh
Chair, Cooperative Trials Group for Neuro-Oncology (COGNO)
e: cogno@cogno.org.au | w: www.cogno.org.au